Formbricks Open source Forms & Surveys Logo

Get started in minutes with professional survey templates

Choose from hundreds of customizable survey templates to create and send engaging surveys in just a few clicks.




Product Manager
All Channels

Cart Abandonment Survey

Understand the reasons behind cart abandonment in your web shop.

Product Manager
App or Website Survey

Site Abandonment Survey

Understand the reasons behind site abandonment in your web shop.

Product Manager
App or Link Survey

Product Market Fit (Superhuman)

Measure PMF by assessing how disappointed users would be if your product disappeared.

Product Manager
App or Link Survey

Onboarding Segmentation

Learn more about who signed up to your product and why.

Multiple Industries
App or Link Survey

Churn Survey

Find out why people cancel their subscriptions. These insights are pure gold!

Customer Success
Multiple Industries
App or Link Survey

Earned Advocacy Score (EAS)

The EAS is a riff off the NPS but asking for actual past behaviour instead of lofty intentions.

App or Link Survey

Improve Trial Conversion

Find out why people stopped their trial. These insights help you improve your funnel.

Multiple Industries
App or Link Survey

Review Prompt

Invite users who love your product to review it publicly.

Product Manager
App Survey

Interview Prompt

Invite a specific subset of your users to schedule an interview with your product team.

Product Manager
Link Survey

Improve Activation Rate

Identify weaknesses in your onboarding flow to increase user activation.

Product Manager
Multiple Industries
App or Link Survey

Uncover Strengths & Weaknesses

Find out what users like and don't like about your product or offering.

Product Manager
App or Link Survey

Product Market Fit Survey (Short)

Measure PMF by assessing how disappointed users would be if your product disappeared.

Multiple Industries
All Channels

Marketing Attribution

How did you first hear about us?

Product Manager
App Survey

Changing Subscription Experience

Find out what goes through peoples minds when changing their subscriptions.

Product Manager
Multiple Industries
App or Website Survey

Identify Customer Goals

Better understand if your messaging creates the right expectations of the value your product provides.

Product Manager
App Survey

Feature Chaser

Follow up with users who just used a specific feature.

Product Manager
Multiple Industries
App or Website Survey

Fake Door Follow-Up

Follow up with users who ran into one of your Fake Door experiments.

Product Manager
App Survey

Feedback Box

Give your users the chance to seamlessly share what's on their minds.

Product Manager
App Survey

Integration Setup Survey

Evaluate how easily users can add integrations to your product. Find blind spots.

Product Manager
App Survey

New Integration Survey

Find out which integrations your users would like to see next.

Product Manager
All Channels

Docs Feedback

Measure how clear each page of your developer documentation is.

Customer Success
Multiple Industries
All Channels

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Measure the Net Promoter Score of your product or service.

Customer Success
Multiple Industries
All Channels

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

Measure the Customer Satisfaction Score of your product or service.

Product Manager
Multiple Industries
Link or Website Survey

Collect Feedback

Gather comprehensive feedback on your product or service.

App or Link Survey

Identify Upsell Opportunities

Find out how much time your product saves your user. Use it to upsell.

Product Manager
App Survey

Prioritize Features

Identify features your users need most and least.

Product Manager
App Survey

Gauge Feature Satisfaction

Evaluate the satisfaction of specific features of your product.

Multiple Industries
Website Survey

Marketing Site Clarity

Identify users dropping off your marketing site. Improve your messaging.

Product Manager
App Survey

Customer Effort Score (CES)

Determine how easy it is to use a feature.

Product Manager
App or Website Survey

Rate Checkout Experience

Let customers rate the checkout experience to tweak conversion.

Product Manager
Multiple Industries
App or Website Survey

Measure Search Experience

Measure how relevant your search results are.

Website Survey

Evaluate Content Quality

Measure if your content marketing pieces hit right.

Product Manager
App or Website Survey

Measure Task Accomplishment

See if people get their 'Job To Be Done' done. Successful people are better customers.

Multiple Industries
Website Survey

Identify Sign Up Barriers

Offer a discount to gather insights about sign up barriers.

Product Manager
App or Link Survey

Build Product Roadmap

Identify the ONE thing your users want the most and build it.

All Channels

Understand Purchase Intention

Find out how close your visitors are to buy or subscribe.

Multiple Industries
Link Survey

Improve Newsletter Content

Find out how your subscribers like your newsletter content.

Product Manager
Multiple Industries
App or Link Survey

Evaluate a Product Idea

Survey users about product or feature ideas. Get feedback rapidly.

Product Manager
Link Survey

Understand Low Engagement

Identify reasons for low engagement to improve user adoption.

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    Sign up for a free account to access our open source survey platform.
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    Use a template

    Choose from our wide range of professional templates to quickly create your survey.
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    AI insights

    Leverage AI-powered analytics to gain valuable insights from your survey responses.

Ready to get started?

Pick an easy-to-use survey template and create your survey in minutes.