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E-Commerce | Example Customer Journey

Customer about to abort checkout

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Trigger Cart Abandonment Survey

Cursor mockup
This trigger only works on desktop devices.

After completed purchase

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Incentivised Product Discovery Survey

Thanks for your purchase!

Your order is being processed 🚚

Order number: #123ABC

Date of delivery: Sep 13th, 2024

Double your warranty in 10 minutes 🎁

Your glasses come with a 1 year warranty. Answer this 10-minute survey and get an additional year of warranty for free:

Extend warranty to 2 years

Wait 5 days after delivery

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Incentivise follow-up purchase through Product Review Request

Write a review, get 30% off next order!

Help others find the right glasses 🤓

Reviews play an essential role when people decide what to buy online.


Try Formbricks for E-Commerce now

We're happy to get you started, no credit card required.