Formbricks Open source Forms & Surveys Logo


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Turn customer insights
into irresistible experiences

Formbricks is an Experience Management Suite built on the largest open source survey stack worldwide. Gracefully gather feedback at every step of the customer journey to know what your customers need.

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Measure satisfaction continuously

Ask anywhere, get insights in one place

Follow individual feedback trails or zoom out for the big picture. All in one place.

On your website

Target specific visitors on your websites.

In emails

Embed branded surveys in your emails.

In your app

Research any user cohort in your app.

Data privacy at heart

Open Source Experience Management

Comply with all data privacy regulation with ease. Self-host if you want.

  • Smoothly compliant

    Use our GDPR-compliant Cloud or self-host the entire solution.
  • Fully customizable

    Full customizability and extendability. Integrate with your stack easily.
  • Stay independent

    The code is open source. Do with it what your organization needs.

Ask at the right moment,
get the data you need.

Follow up emails are so 2010. Ask users as they experience your product - and leverage a significantly higher conversion rate.

react library
react library

Don't ‘Spray and pray’.
Pre-segment granularly.

Pre-segment who sees your survey based on custom attributes. Keep the signal, cancel out the noise.

Leave your engineers in peace

Set Formbricks up in minutes

Formbricks is designed for as little dev attention as possible. Here’s how:

Step 1

Copy + Paste

Simply copy a <script> tag to your HTML head - that’s about it. Or use NPM to install Formbricks for React, Vue, Svelte, etc.

npm install @formbricks/js
import formbricks from "@formbricks/js";

if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
    environmentId: "claV2as2kKAqF28fJ8",
    apiHost: "",

Step 2

No-Code: Track User Actions

Set up user actions which can trigger your survey without writing a single line of code. Surveys can be triggered on specific pages or after an element is clicked.

Step 3

Create your survey

Start from a template - or from scratch. Ask what you want, in any language. You can also adjust the look and feel of your survey.



Step 4

Set segment and trigger

Create a custom segment for each survey. Use attributes and past user actions to only survey the people who have answers. Trigger your survey on any user action in your app.

Step 5

Make better decisions

Gather all insights you can - including partial submissions. Build conviction for the next product decision. Better data, better business.

Data Pipelines


Give it a squeeze 🍋

All 'Pro' features are free on Formbricks. Give it a go!


Frequently asked questions