Question Type
Single Select
Single select questions allow respondents to select one answer from a list. Displays a title and a list of radio buttons for the respondent to choose from.
Add a clear title to inform the respondent what information you are asking for.
Provide an optional description with further instructions.
The list of answers the respondent can choose from.
Additional Actions
Add "Other": Adds an "Other" option to allow respondents to enter a custom answer. This will show two inputs, one for the label text and one for the placeholder.
Convert to Multiple Select: Converts the question to a multiple select question. This will show checkboxes instead of radio buttons.
Order dropdown: Allows you to choose the order in which the options are displayed.
- Keep current order: Options will be displayed in the order you added them.
- Randomize all: Options will be displayed in a random order.
- Randomize all except last option: Options will be displayed in a random order, except for the last one.