Question Type

Statement (Call to Action)

The Statement question type allows you to display descriptive information in your survey, such as a message or instruction. It consists of a title (can be Question or Short Note) and a description, which can be a brief note(realted to CTA) or guideline. Instead of collecting input, this type includes a call to action button for further steps, such as booking an interview call.


Overview of Statement question type


This is the main question or heading that appears at the top of the card.


A brief note or instruction displayed under the title, typically used to provide context or instructions for the next step.

Button Options

  • Button to continue in survey: This will continue respondent with the survey, form or fillups.
  • Button to link to external URL: Selecting this option will open-up URL input box below when us set URL the button will redirect to your setted link.

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