Organization Access Roles

Assign different roles to organization members to grant them specific rights like creating surveys, viewing responses, or managing organization members.

Here are the different access permissions, ranked from highest to lowest access

  1. Owner
  2. Admin
  3. Developer
  4. Editor
  5. Viewer

For more information on user roles & permissions, see below:

Update organization
Delete organization
Add new Member
Delete Member
Update Member Access
Update Billing
Create Product
Update Product Name
Update Product Recontact Options
Update Look & Feel
Update Survey Languages
Delete Product
Create New Survey
Edit Survey
Delete Survey
View survey results
Delete response
Add tags on response
Edit tags on response
Create Action
Update Action
Delete Action
API Keys
Create API key
Update API key
Delete API key
Create tags
Update tags
Delete tags
Delete Person
Manage Integrations

Inviting organization members

There are two ways to invite organization members: One by one or in bulk.

Invite organization members one by one

  1. Go to the Organization Settings page via the menu in the lower right corner:
Where to find the Menu Item for Organization Settings
  1. Click on the Add Member button:
Add Member Button Position
  1. In the modal, add the Name, Email and Role of the organization member you want to invite:
Individual Invite Modal Tab

Formbricks sends an email to the organization member with an invitation link. The organization member can accept the invitation or create a new account by clicking on the link.

Invite organization members in bulk

  1. Go to the Organization Settings page via the menu in the lower right corner:
Where to find the Menu Item for Organization Settings
  1. Click on the Add Member button:
Add Member Button Position
  1. In the modal, switch to Bulk Invite. You can download an example .CSV file to fill in the Name, Email and Role of the organization members you want to invite:
Individual Invite Modal Tab
  1. Upload the filled .CSV file and invite the organization members in bulk ✅

Formbricks sends an email to each organization member in the CSV. The member can accept the invitation or create a new account by clicking on the link.

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