This guide explains how to deploy Formbricks on a Kubernetes cluster using Helm. The primary focus is on deploying Formbricks pods in a production-ready environment with external database services.


Before you begin, ensure that:

  • You have a running Kubernetes cluster (AWS EKS, GCP GKE, Azure AKS, Minikube, etc.)
  • An Ingress controller (e.g., Traefik, Nginx) is configured
  • You have Helm installed on your local machine
  • For production environments, you have access to external PostgreSQL and Redis services

Important: Running multiple Formbricks pods in a cluster setup requires a Formbricks Enterprise license. With the Community Edition, only a single Formbricks pod is supported. Redis is required when deploying multiple Formbricks pods for proper session handling and caching.

Basic Installation

Step 1: Clone the Formbricks Helm Chart

git clone
cd formbricks/helm-chart

Step 2: Deploy Formbricks

For a basic deployment with a single pod (Community Edition) and PostgreSQL running in the cluster:

helm install my-formbricks ./ \
  --namespace formbricks \
  --set redis.enabled=false \

Production Deployment

For production environments, we recommend using managed database and cache services like AWS RDS for PostgreSQL and AWS ElastiCache for Redis:

helm install my-formbricks ./ \
  --namespace formbricks \
  --create-namespace \
  --set replicaCount=3 \
  --set postgresql.enabled=false \
  --set postgresql.externalUrl="postgresql://user:password@your-postgres-host:5432/formbricks" \
  --set redis.enabled=false \
  --set redis.externalUrl="redis://your-redis-host:6379"

Note: The above multi-pod configuration requires a Formbricks Enterprise license. Redis is enabled and configured to support multiple Formbricks pods.

Verify Installation

Check Running Services

kubectl get pods -n formbricks
kubectl get svc -n formbricks
kubectl get ingress -n formbricks

Note: The Formbricks application pod may take some time to reach a stable state as it runs database migrations during startup.

Access Formbricks

  • If running locally with Minikube:
    minikube service my-formbricks -n formbricks
  • If deployed on a cloud cluster, make sure to set up your ingress controller properly and visit the domain or IP address associated with your ingress.

Upgrading Formbricks

To upgrade your Formbricks deployment, use:

# From the helm-chart directory
helm upgrade my-formbricks ./ --namespace formbricks

Common Upgrade Scenarios

1. Updating Environment Variables

helm upgrade my-formbricks ./ --namespace formbricks \
  --set \
  --set env.SMTP_PORT=587 \
  --set env.NEW_CUSTOM_VAR=newvalue

2. Scaling Resources

helm upgrade my-formbricks ./ --namespace formbricks \
  --set resources.limits.cpu=1 \
  --set resources.limits.memory=2Gi \
  --set resources.requests.cpu=500m \
  --set resources.requests.memory=1Gi

3. Updating Autoscaling Configuration

helm upgrade my-formbricks ./ --namespace formbricks \
  --set autoscaling.enabled=true \
  --set autoscaling.minReplicas=3 \
  --set autoscaling.maxReplicas=10 \
  --set autoscaling.metrics[0]

Note: Enabling autoscaling requires a Formbricks Enterprise license and proper Redis configuration.

4. Changing Database Connection

helm upgrade my-formbricks ./ --namespace formbricks \
  --set postgresql.enabled=false \
  --set postgresql.externalUrl="postgresql://newuser:newpassword@external-postgres-host:5432/newdatabase"

Advanced Configuration Options

For advanced configurations including:

  • Deploying PostgreSQL and Redis within your Kubernetes cluster
  • Configuring Traefik ingress controller
  • Setting up high availability
  • Customizing autoscaling behavior

Please refer to the complete Helm chart documentation at:

Key Configuration Values

replicaCountNumber of Formbricks replicas1
image.repositoryDocker image
image.tagDocker image tag"2.6.0"
resources.limits.cpuCPU resource limit500m
resources.limits.memoryMemory resource limit1Gi
autoscaling.enabledEnable autoscalingfalse
postgresql.enabledDeploy PostgreSQL in clustertrue
postgresql.externalUrlExternal PostgreSQL URL""
redis.enabledDeploy Redis in clusterfalse
redis.externalUrlExternal Redis URL""

For the complete list of configuration options, please refer to the Formbricks Helm chart repository.