Kubernetes Deployment
Deploy Formbricks on a Kubernetes cluster using Helm.
This guide explains how to deploy Formbricks on a Kubernetes cluster using Helm. The primary focus is on deploying Formbricks pods in a production-ready environment with external database services.
Before you begin, ensure that:
- You have a running Kubernetes cluster (AWS EKS, GCP GKE, Azure AKS, Minikube, etc.)
- An Ingress controller (e.g., Traefik, Nginx) is configured
- You have Helm installed on your local machine
- For production environments, you have access to external PostgreSQL and Redis services
Important: Running multiple Formbricks pods in a cluster setup requires a Formbricks Enterprise license. With the Community Edition, only a single Formbricks pod is supported. Redis is required when deploying multiple Formbricks pods for proper session handling and caching.
Basic Installation
Step 1: Clone the Formbricks Helm Chart
Step 2: Deploy Formbricks
For a basic deployment with a single pod (Community Edition) and PostgreSQL running in the cluster:
Production Deployment
For production environments, we recommend using managed database and cache services like AWS RDS for PostgreSQL and AWS ElastiCache for Redis:
Note: The above multi-pod configuration requires a Formbricks Enterprise license. Redis is enabled and configured to support multiple Formbricks pods.
Verify Installation
Check Running Services
Note: The Formbricks application pod may take some time to reach a stable state as it runs database migrations during startup.
Access Formbricks
- If running locally with Minikube:
- If deployed on a cloud cluster, make sure to set up your ingress controller properly and visit the domain or IP address associated with your ingress.
Upgrading Formbricks
To upgrade your Formbricks deployment, use:
Common Upgrade Scenarios
1. Updating Environment Variables
2. Scaling Resources
3. Updating Autoscaling Configuration
Note: Enabling autoscaling requires a Formbricks Enterprise license and proper Redis configuration.
4. Changing Database Connection
Advanced Configuration Options
For advanced configurations including:
- Deploying PostgreSQL and Redis within your Kubernetes cluster
- Configuring Traefik ingress controller
- Setting up high availability
- Customizing autoscaling behavior
Please refer to the complete Helm chart documentation at: https://github.com/formbricks/formbricks/tree/main/helm-chart
Key Configuration Values
Field | Description | Default |
replicaCount | Number of Formbricks replicas | 1 |
image.repository | Docker image repository | ghcr.io/formbricks/formbricks |
image.tag | Docker image tag | "2.6.0" |
resources.limits.cpu | CPU resource limit | 500m |
resources.limits.memory | Memory resource limit | 1Gi |
autoscaling.enabled | Enable autoscaling | false |
postgresql.enabled | Deploy PostgreSQL in cluster | true |
postgresql.externalUrl | External PostgreSQL URL | "" |
redis.enabled | Deploy Redis in cluster | false |
redis.externalUrl | External Redis URL | "" |
For the complete list of configuration options, please refer to the Formbricks Helm chart repository.
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