Environment Variables
Environment variables for Formbricks
Custom Configurations
These variables are present inside your machine’s docker-compose file. Restart the docker containers if you change any variables for them to take effect.
Variable | Description | Required | Default |
WEBAPP_URL | Base URL of the site. | required | http://localhost:3000 |
NEXTAUTH_URL | Location of the auth server. This should normally be the same as WEBAPP_URL | required | http://localhost:3000 |
DATABASE_URL | Database URL with credentials. | required | |
NEXTAUTH_SECRET | Secret for NextAuth, used for session signing and encryption. | required | (Generated by the user, must not exceed 32 bytes, openssl rand -hex 32 ) |
ENCRYPTION_KEY | Secret for used by Formbricks for data encryption | required | (Generated by the user, must not exceed 32 bytes, openssl rand -hex 32 ) |
CRON_SECRET | API Secret for running cron jobs. | required | (Generated by the user, must not exceed 32 bytes, openssl rand -hex 32 ) |
LOG_LEVEL | Minimum log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal) | optional | info |
UPLOADS_DIR | Local directory for storing uploads. | optional | ./uploads |
S3_ACCESS_KEY | Access key for S3. | optional | (resolved by the AWS SDK) |
S3_SECRET_KEY | Secret key for S3. | optional | (resolved by the AWS SDK) |
S3_REGION | Region for S3. | optional | (resolved by the AWS SDK) |
S3_BUCKET_NAME | S3 bucket name for data storage. Formbricks enables S3 storage when this is set. | optional (required if S3 is enabled) | |
S3_ENDPOINT_URL | Endpoint for S3. | optional | (resolved by the AWS SDK) |
SAML_DATABASE_URL | Database URL for SAML. | optional | postgres://postgres:@localhost:5432/formbricks-saml |
PRIVACY_URL | URL for privacy policy. | optional | |
TERMS_URL | URL for terms of service. | optional | |
IMPRINT_URL | URL for imprint. | optional | |
IMPRINT_ADDRESS | Address for imprint. | optional | |
EMAIL_AUTH_DISABLED | Disables the ability for users to signup or login via email and password if set to 1. | optional | |
PASSWORD_RESET_DISABLED | Disables password reset functionality if set to 1. | optional | |
EMAIL_VERIFICATION_DISABLED | Disables email verification if set to 1. | optional | |
RATE_LIMITING_DISABLED | Disables rate limiting if set to 1. | optional | |
INVITE_DISABLED | Disables the ability for invited users to create an account if set to 1. | optional | |
MAIL_FROM | Email address to send emails from. | optional (required if email services are to be enabled) | |
MAIL_FROM_NAME | Email name/title to send emails from. | optional (required if email services are to be enabled) | |
SMTP_HOST | Host URL of your SMTP server. | optional (required if email services are to be enabled) | |
SMTP_PORT | Host Port of your SMTP server. | optional (required if email services are to be enabled) | |
SMTP_USER | Username for your SMTP Server. | optional (required if email services are to be enabled) | |
SMTP_PASSWORD | Password for your SMTP Server. | optional (required if email services are to be enabled) | |
SMTP_AUTHENTICATED | If set to 0, the server will not require SMTP_USER and SMTP_PASSWORD(default is 1) | optional | |
SMTP_SECURE_ENABLED | SMTP secure connection. For using TLS, set to 1 else to 0. | optional (required if email services are to be enabled) | |
SMTP_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED_TLS | If set to 0, the server will accept connections without requiring authorization from the list of supplied CAs. | optional | 1 |
TURNSTILE_SITE_KEY | Site key for Turnstile. | optional | |
TURNSTILE_SECRET_KEY | Secret key for Turnstile. | optional | |
GITHUB_ID | Client ID for GitHub. | optional (required if GitHub auth is enabled) | |
GITHUB_SECRET | Secret for GitHub. | optional (required if GitHub auth is enabled) | |
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID | Client ID for Google. | optional (required if Google auth is enabled) | |
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET | Secret for Google. | optional (required if Google auth is enabled) | |
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY | Secret key for Stripe integration. | optional | |
STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET | Webhook secret for Stripe integration. | optional | |
TELEMETRY_DISABLED | Disables telemetry if set to 1. | optional | |
DEFAULT_BRAND_COLOR | Default brand color for your app (Can be overwritten from the UI as well). | optional | #64748b |
DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION_ID | Automatically assign new users to a specific organization when joining | optional | |
DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION_ROLE | Role of the user in the default organization. | optional | owner |
OIDC_DISPLAY_NAME | Display name for Custom OpenID Connect Provider | optional | |
OIDC_CLIENT_ID | Client ID for Custom OpenID Connect Provider | optional (required if OIDC auth is enabled) | |
OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET | Secret for Custom OpenID Connect Provider | optional (required if OIDC auth is enabled) | |
OIDC_ISSUER | Issuer URL for Custom OpenID Connect Provider (should have .well-known configured at this) | optional (required if OIDC auth is enabled) | |
OIDC_SIGNING_ALGORITHM | Signing Algorithm for Custom OpenID Connect Provider | optional | RS256 |
OPENTELEMETRY_LISTENER_URL | URL for OpenTelemetry listener inside Formbricks. | optional | |
UNKEY_ROOT_KEY | Key for the Unkey service. This is used for Rate Limiting for management API. | optional | |
CUSTOM_CACHE_DISABLED | Disables custom cache handler if set to 1 (required for deployment on Vercel) | optional | |
PROMETHEUS_ENABLED | Enables Prometheus metrics if set to 1. | optional | |
PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_PORT | Port for Prometheus metrics. | optional | 9090 |
DOCKER_CRON_ENABLED | Controls whether cron jobs run in the Docker image. Set to 0 to disable (useful for cluster setups). | optional | 1 |
Note: If you want to configure something that is not possible via above, please open an issue on our GitHub repo here or reach out to us on Github Discussions and we’ll try our best to work out a solution with you.
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