Organization Access Roles

Learn about the different organization-level and team-level roles and how they affect permissions in Formbricks.


Permissions in Formbricks are broadly handled using organization-level roles, which apply to all teams and projects in the organization. Users on a self-hosting and Enterprise plan, have access to team-level roles, which enable more granular permissions.

Access Roles is a feature of the Enterprise Edition. In the Community Edition and on the Free and Startup plan in the Cloud you can invite unlimited organization members as Owner.

Here are the different access permissions, ranked from highest to lowest access

  1. Owner
  2. Manager
  3. Billing
  4. Member

Role Permissions and Privilege Escalation Prevention

To prevent privilege escalation, the following rules apply:

  • Owners can:

    • Invite users as owners, managers, or members
    • Assign roles up to owner
  • Managers can:

    • Invite users only as members
    • Assign roles up to member only, not manager or owner
  • Members cannot:

    • Invite users
    • Assign roles

Organisational level

All users and their organization-level roles are listed in Organization Settings > General. Users can hold any of the following org-level roles:

  • Owner have full access to the organization, its data, and settings. Org Owners can perform Team Admin actions without needing to join the team.
  • Manager have full management access to all teams and projects. They can also manage the organization’s membership (but can only invite or assign users as members). Org Managers can perform Team Admin actions without needing to join the team. They cannot change other organization settings.
  • Billing users can manage payment and compliance details in the organization.
  • Member can view most data in the organization and act in the projects they are members of. They cannot join projects on their own and need to be assigned.

Permissions at project level

  • Read: Read access to all resources (except settings) in the project.
  • Read & write: Read & write access to all resources (except settings) in the project.
  • Manage: Read & write access to all resources including settings in the project.

Team-level Roles

  • Team Contributors can view and act on surveys and responses.
  • Team Admins have additional permissions to manage their team’s membership and projects. These permissions are granted at the team-level, and don’t apply to teams where they’re not a Team Admin.

For more information on user roles & permissions, see below:

Update organizationβœ…βŒβŒβŒ
Delete organizationβœ…βŒβŒβŒ
Add new memberβœ…βœ…βŒβŒ
Delete memberβœ…βœ…βŒβŒ
Update member accessβœ…βœ…βŒβŒ
Update billingβœ…βœ…βœ…βŒ
Create projectβœ…βœ…βŒβŒ
Update project nameβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…**
Update project recontact optionsβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…**
Update look & feelβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…**
Update survey languagesβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…**
Delete projectβœ…βœ…βŒβŒ
Create new surveyβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…*
Edit surveyβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…*
Delete surveyβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…*
View survey resultsβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…
Delete responseβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…*
Add tags on responseβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…*
Edit tags on responseβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…*
Download survey responses (CSV)βœ…βœ…βŒβœ…*
Create actionβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…*
Update actionβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…*
Delete actionβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…*
API keys
Create API keyβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…**
Update API keyβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…**
Delete API keyβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…**
Create tagsβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…*
Update tagsβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…*
Delete tagsβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…**
Delete contactβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…*
Manage integrationsβœ…βœ…βŒβœ…*

* - for the read & write permissions team members

** - for the manage permissions team members

Inviting organization members

There are two ways to invite organization members: One by one or in bulk.

Invite organization members one by one

  1. Go to the Organization Settings page via the menu in the lower right corner:

  1. Click on the Add member button:

  1. In the modal, add the Name, Email and Role of the organization member you want to invite:

Access Roles is a feature of the Enterprise Edition. In the Community Edition and on the Free and Startup plan in the Cloud you can invite unlimited organization members as Owners.

Formbricks sends an email to the organization member with an invitation link. The organization member can accept the invitation or create a new account by clicking on the link.

Invite organization members in bulk

  1. Go to the Organization Settings page via the menu in the lower right corner:

  1. Click on the Add member button:

  1. In the modal, switch to Bulk Invite. You can download an example .CSV file to fill in the Name, Email and Role of the organization members you want to invite:

  1. Upload the filled .CSV file and invite the organization members in bulk βœ…

Formbricks sends an email to each organization member in the CSV. The member can accept the invitation or create a new account by clicking on the link.