
Our codebase follows the Vercel Engineering Style Guide conventions.

ESLint Configuration

We maintain three primary ESLint configurations for different project types:

  1. Library Configuration (for packages):
extends: [
  1. React Configuration (for React applications):
extends: [
  1. Next.js Configuration (for Next.js applications):
extends: [

Key Conventions

  1. TypeScript Usage

    • Strict TypeScript checking enabled
    • Explicit type annotations when necessary
    • Proper interface and type naming (prefix with T for types, I for interfaces when helpful)
    • No use of any type unless absolutely necessary
  2. Imports/Exports

    • Follow strict import ordering:
      1. Mocks (for testing)
      2. Server-only imports
      3. Third-party modules
      4. Internal @formbricks/* modules
      5. Local aliases (`~/*)
      6. Relative imports
  3. Error Handling

    • Use typed error responses
    • Proper error propagation
    • Consistent error message formatting
    • Implement error boundaries in React components
  4. Async/Await

    • Prefer async/await over raw promises
    • Proper error handling in async functions
    • Use Promise.all for parallel operations
  5. React Specific

    • Functional components with TypeScript
    • Proper use of hooks
    • Consistent prop typing
    • Server Components by default in Next.js App Router

Code Formatting

We use Prettier with specific configurations:

bracketSpacing: true,
bracketSameLine: true,
singleQuote: false,
jsxSingleQuote: false,
trailingComma: "es5",
semi: true,
printWidth: 110,
arrowParens: "always"


Will be added upon release of the native iOS SDK.


Will be added upon release of the native Android SDK.