
At Formbricks, we follow consistent error handling patterns to ensure reliability, debuggability, and maintainability across our codebase. This document outlines our standard approaches to error handling.

Core Principles

  1. Type Safety: Use typed errors and results
  2. Meaningful Messages: Provide clear, actionable error messages
  3. Proper Propagation: Handle or propagate errors appropriately
  4. Logging: Ensure errors are properly logged for debugging
  5. Recovery: Implement graceful fallbacks where possible

Standard Error Types

We maintain a set of standardized error types for different scenarios:

export interface ApiErrorResponse {
| "not_found"
| "gone"
| "bad_request"
| "internal_server_error"
| "unauthorized"
| "method_not_allowed"
| "not_authenticated"
| "forbidden"
| "network_error";
message: string;
status: number;
url: URL;
details?: Record<string, string | string[] | number | number[] | boolean | boolean[]>;
responseMessage?: string;

Error Handling Patterns

API Error Handling

For API endpoints:

export const GET = async (request: Request) => {
try {
const authentication = await authenticateRequest(request);
if (!authentication) return responses.notAuthenticatedResponse();
const data = await fetchData(authentication.environmentId!);
return responses.successResponse(data);
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof DatabaseError) {
return responses.badRequestResponse(error.message);
throw error;

Client-Side Error Handling

For client-side operations:

const handleOperation = async () => {
const result = await performAction();
if (!result.ok) {
logger.error(`Operation failed: ${result.error.message}`);
toast.error("Operation failed. Please try again.");
// Process successful result

Best Practices

  1. Never Swallow Errors

    • Always handle or propagate errors
    • Log errors appropriately for debugging
    • Use error boundaries in React components
  2. Type Safety

    • Use typed error responses
    • Leverage TypeScript for compile-time error checking
    • Define clear error interfaces
  3. Error Messages

    • Include relevant context in error messages
    • Make messages actionable for developers
    • Use consistent error formatting
  4. Error Recovery

    • Implement fallback behaviors where appropriate
    • Gracefully degrade functionality when possible
    • Provide user feedback for recoverable errors
  5. Documentation

    • Document expected errors in function JSDoc
    • Include error handling in code examples
    • Keep error handling documentation up to date

Testing Error Scenarios

Always include error case testing:

describe("fetchEnvironmentState()", () => {
test("returns err(...) on network error", async () => {
const mockNetworkError = {
code: "network_error",
message: "Timeout",
responseMessage: "Network fail",
const result = await fetchEnvironmentState();
if (!result.ok) {

These standards ensure consistent, reliable error handling across the Formbricks codebase while maintaining good developer experience and system reliability.