
At Formbricks, we maintain a rigorous testing strategy to ensure high-quality code and reliable functionality. Our testing approach is standardized and integrated into our development workflow.

Testing Structure

Unit Testing with Vitest

We use Vitest as our primary testing framework. All unit tests follow these conventions:

  1. File Location and Naming

    • Test files are co-located with the source files they test
    • Test files use the .test.ts extension (e.g., utils.test.ts tests utils.ts)
  2. Test Organization

    import { describe, expect, it } from "vitest";
    describe("ComponentName or FeatureName", () => {
      describe("functionName or scenario", () => {
        it("should describe expected behavior", () => {
          // test implementation
  3. Coverage Requirements

    • Minimum 85% code coverage requirement (WIP πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ)
    • Coverage is tracked using V8 provider
    • Coverage reports include:
      • Text summaries
      • HTML reports
      • LCOV reports

End-to-End Testing with Playwright

E2E tests are located in apps/web/playwright/ and focus on critical user workflows.

Testing Setup


Our Vitest configuration (vite.config.ts) includes:

test: {
exclude: ['playwright/', 'node_modules/'],
setupFiles: ['../../packages/lib/vitestSetup.ts'],
coverage: {
provider: 'v8',
reporter: ['text', 'html', 'lcov'],
reportsDirectory: './coverage',

Test Utilities

Common test utilities are available in vitestSetup.ts:

  • Mock implementations for commonly used functions
  • Test lifecycle hooks (beforeEach, afterEach)
  • Validation test helpers

Best Practices

  1. Test Independence

    beforeEach(() => {
    afterEach(() => {
  2. Mocking

    • Use Vitest’s built-in mocking utilities
    • Mock external dependencies and services
    • Example:
    vi.mock("@formbricks/database", () => ({
      prisma: {
        user: {
          create: vi.fn(),
          findUnique: vi.fn(),
  3. Assertions

    • Write clear, specific assertions
    • Test both success and error cases
    • Example:
    expect(async () => await invalidCall()).rejects.toThrow(ValidationError);

Quality Assurance Process

  1. Continuous Integration

    • Automated test suite execution on pull requests
    • Coverage reports generation
    • Test results reporting
  2. New Features

    • Must include corresponding unit tests
    • Must maintain or improve coverage metrics
    • Must include relevant E2E tests for user-facing features