
Our codebase follows a modular architecture with two primary organizational units:

  1. UI Components: Reusable components in the modules/ui/components directory
  2. Feature Modules: Domain-specific functionality organized by feature in the modules directory

Module Organization

Core Module Structure

Modules are organized by feature and can be found in the modules directory. Each module typically includes:

└── feature-name/
   ├── components/ # Feature-specific components
   ├── lib/ # Business logic and utilities
   ├── types/ # TypeScript types
   ├── actions.ts # Server actions
   └── route.ts # API routes (if needed)

Enterprise Edition (EE) Modules

Enterprise features are organized in a dedicated modules/ee directory:

└── ee/
├── insights/
│ ├── components/
│ ├── experience/
│ └── types/
└── contacts/
├── segments/
└── components/

Component Organization

UI Component Structure

UI components are centralized in modules/ui/components and follow a consistent structure:

└── component-name/
   ├── index.tsx # Main component implementation
   ├── stories.tsx # Storybook stories
   └── components/ # Sub-components (if needed)

Component Types

  1. Base Components: Fundamental UI elements like Button, Input, Modal

  2. Composite Components: More complex components that combine base components

  3. Feature-Specific Components: Components tied to specific features

Feature Module Example

A feature module with its components and business logic:

├── components/
│ ├── question-form-input/
│ └── template-list/
├── editor/
│ └── components/
├── lib/
│ └── utils.ts
└── types/
└── index.ts

Best Practices

  1. Component Organization

    • Keep components focused and single-purpose
    • Use proper TypeScript interfaces for props
    • Implement Storybook stories for UI components
  2. Module Structure

    • Organize by feature domain
    • Separate business logic from UI components
    • Use proper type definitions
  3. Code Sharing

    • Share common utilities through the ui/lib directory
    • Maintain clear boundaries between modules
    • Use proper imports with aliases (@/modules/…)