Deploying Formbricks on Kubernetes
This guide explains how to deploy Formbricks on a Kubernetes cluster using Helm. It assumes that:
- You already have a Kubernetes cluster running (e.g., DigitalOcean, GKE, AWS, Minikube).
- An Ingress controller (e.g., Traefik, Nginx) is configured.
- You have Helm installed on your local machine.
🚀 Step 1: Install Formbricks with Helm
1️⃣ Clone the Formbricks Helm Chart
git clone
cd formbricks/helm-chart
2️⃣ Deploy Formbricks
helm install my-formbricks ./ \
--namespace formbricks \
--create-namespace \
--set replicaCount=2
🎯 Step 2: Verify and Access Formbricks
Check the Running Services
kubectl get pods -n formbricks
kubectl get svc -n formbricks
kubectl get ingress -n formbricks
Access Formbricks
- If running locally with Minikube:
minikube service my-formbricks -n formbricks
- If deployed on a cloud cluster, visit:
Upgrading Formbricks
This section provides guidance on how to upgrade your Formbricks deployment using Helm, including examples of common upgrade scenarios.
Upgrade Process
To upgrade your Formbricks deployment when using a local chart (e.g., with Minikube), use:
# From the helm-chart directory
helm upgrade my-formbricks ./ --namespace formbricks
For installations from the Helm repository (typically for production deployments):
helm repo update
helm upgrade my-formbricks formbricks/formbricks --namespace formbricks
Common Upgrade Scenarios
1. Updating Environment Variables
To update or add new environment variables, use the --set
flag with the env
helm upgrade my-formbricks formbricks/formbricks \
--set \
--set env.SMTP_PORT=587 \
--set env.NEW_CUSTOM_VAR=newvalue
This command updates the SMTP host and port, and adds a new custom environment variable.
2. Enabling or Disabling Features
You can enable or disable features by updating their respective values:
# Disable Redis
helm upgrade my-formbricks formbricks/formbricks --set redis.enabled=false
# Enable Redis
helm upgrade my-formbricks formbricks/formbricks --set redis.enabled=true
3. Scaling Resources
To adjust resource allocation:
helm upgrade my-formbricks formbricks/formbricks \
--set resources.limits.cpu=1 \
--set resources.limits.memory=2Gi \
--set resources.requests.cpu=500m \
--set resources.requests.memory=1Gi
4. Updating Autoscaling Configuration
To modify autoscaling settings:
helm upgrade my-formbricks formbricks/formbricks \
--set autoscaling.minReplicas=3 \
--set autoscaling.maxReplicas=10 \
--set autoscaling.metrics[0]
5. Changing Database Credentials
To update PostgreSQL database credentials: To switch from the built-in PostgreSQL to an external database or update the external database credentials:
helm upgrade my-formbricks formbricks/formbricks \
--set postgresql.enabled=false \
--set postgresql.externalUrl="postgresql://newuser:newpassword@external-postgres-host:5432/newdatabase"
This command disables the built-in PostgreSQL and configures Formbricks to use an external PostgreSQL database. Make sure your external database is set up and accessible before making this change.
Full Values Documentation
Below is a comprehensive list of all configurable values in the Formbricks Helm chart:
Field | Description | Default |
image.repository | Docker image repository for Formbricks | |
image.pullPolicy | Image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
image.tag | Docker image tag | "2.6.0" |
service.type | Kubernetes service type | ClusterIP |
service.port | Kubernetes service port | 80 |
service.targetPort | Container port to expose | 3000 |
resources.limits.cpu | CPU resource limit | 500m |
resources.limits.memory | Memory resource limit | 1Gi |
resources.requests.cpu | Memory resource request | null |
resources.requests.memory | Memory resource request | null |
autoscaling.enabled | Enable autoscaling | false |
autoscaling.minReplicas | Minimum number of replicas | 1 |
autoscaling.maxReplicas | Maximum number of replicas | 5 |
autoscaling.metrics[0].type | Type of metric for autoscaling | Resource |
autoscaling.metrics[0] | Resource name for autoscaling metric | cpu |
autoscaling.metrics[0] | Target type for autoscaling | Utilization |
autoscaling.metrics[0] | Average utilization target for autoscaling | 80 |