Identify Users in Link Surveys

Identifying users in link features lets you connect responses from link surveys with existing users in your Formbricks database.


Identifying users in link surveys comes in handy when you:

  • Want to send out link surveys to existing users in your database
  • Want to connect responses from link surveys with existing users in your database
  • Want to gather data and later connect it to a user who has not signed up yet

Quick Example

User Identification Example

How it works

To link a response to a user in your Formbricks database, you can pass your internal user Id as a URL parameter.

Where do I find my userId?

The userId we are refering to is the userId of your own system. For example, a user signs up to your app and gets the Id ABC123 assigned then this is the Id you pass along in the URL parameter.

This allows you to connect the response to the user profile of this specific in the Formbricks database. You can then use the response data to create segments for further surveying or invite them to an interview, etc.

If users are identified by email, it will show. If not, the internal Id will be set.

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