App Surveys

Advanced Targeting

Advanced Targeting allows you to show surveys to the right group of people. You can target surveys based on user attributes, device type, and more instead of spraying and praying. This helps you get more relevant feedback and make data-driven decisions. All of this without writing a single line of code.

How to setup Advanced Targeting

  1. On the Formbricks dashboard, click on People tab from the top navigation bar.

  2. Switch to the Segments tab & click on Create Segment.

  3. Give your segment a title & a description to help you remember what this segment is about.

  4. Now click on the Add Filter button to add a filter. You can filter based on actions, user attributes, other segments, devices, and more.

  5. To group a set of filters together, click on the Three Dots icon on the right side of the filter and click on Create Group.

  6. Try playing around with different filters & conditions that we have provided to see how the segment size changes.

  7. Once you are happy with the segment, click on Save Segment.

  8. Now, when you create a survey, you can select this segment to target your survey to.


  1. Let's say you want to upsell to: Miro, Loom, Figma, Slack and Asana.

    Upselling Opportunity
  2. Post-experience surveying for a ride hailing app where users who have taken more than 1 ride are shown a survey.

    Ride Hailing Targeting
  3. Target High Value users who have $100k+ in their bank account, own 20+ stocks, and have are an active user.

    Target Active High Net Worth Individuals
  4. Target Germans on mobile phones who have regenerated chatGPT answers frequently in the last quarter and did so today.

    Target Germans on Mobile Phones who have regenerated chatGPT answers frequently in the last quarter and did so today
  5. Sneak Peak: How we at Formbricks automate inviting power users to chat with us

    Automate inviting power users to chat with us at Formbricks

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