App Surveys

Actions & Targeting

Understanding user thoughts and feelings at critical moments in their journey is pivotal. To achieve this, Formbricks uses user-centric actions that trigger surveys at precisely the right time. Actions are essentially notifications sent from your application to Formbricks when predefined user activities occur, making it possible to gather insights during key interactions.

How Do Actions Work?

Actions in Formbricks App Surveys are deeply integrated with user activities within your app. When a user performs a specified action, the Formbricks widget detects this activity and can present a survey to that specific user if the trigger conditions match of that survey, while also recording the event. This capability ensures that surveys are not only triggered at the right time but are also tailored to the user’s recent interactions within the app. You can set up these actions through a user-friendly No-Code interface within the Formbricks dashboard.

Why Are Actions Useful?

Actions are invaluable for enhancing survey relevance and effectiveness:

  • Personalized Engagement: Surveys triggered by user actions ensure content is highly relevant and engaging, matching each user’s current context.
  • User Attributes: By tying surveys to specific user attributes, such as activity levels or feature usage, you can customize the survey experience to reflect individual user profiles.
  • User Segments: Analyze action data to create detailed user segments, targeting specific groups with surveys that are pertinent to their behaviors or interactions within the app.
  • User Targeting: Precise targeting based on user actions and attributes ensures that surveys are shown only to users who meet certain criteria, enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of each survey.

Setting Up No-Code Actions

Formbricks offers an intuitive No-Code interface that allows you to configure actions without needing to write any code.

To add a No-Code Action:

  1. Visit the Formbricks Dashboard & switch to the Actions tab:
setup checklist ui of survey popup for app surveys
  1. Now click on “Add Action”
setup checklist ui of survey popup for app surveys

Here are four types of No-Code actions you can set up:

1. Click Action

Click Action is triggered when a user clicks on a specific element within your application. You can define the element's inner text or CSS selector to trigger the survey.

  • Inner Text: Checks if the innerText of a clicked HTML element, like a button label, matches a specific text. This action allows you to display a survey based on text interactions within your application.

  • CSS Selector: Verifies if a clicked HTML element matches a provided CSS selector, such as a class, ID, or any other CSS selector used in your website. It enables survey triggers based on element interactions.

2. Page view Action

This action is triggered when a user visits a page within your application.

3. Exit Intent Action

This action is triggered when a user is about to leave your application. It helps capture user feedback before they exit, providing valuable insights into user experiences and potential improvements.

4. 50% Scroll Action

This action is triggered when a user scrolls through 50% of a page within your application. It helps capture user feedback at a specific point in their journey, enabling you to gather insights based on user interactions.

This action is triggered when a user visits a specific page within your application. You can define the URL match conditions as follows:

Setting Up Code Actions

For more granular control, you can implement actions directly in your codebase:

  1. Configure the Action: First, add the action via the Formbricks web interface to make it available for survey configuration. After that you can fire an action using formbricks.track()

  2. Track an Action: Use formbricks.track() to send an action event to Formbricks.

Track an action

formbricks.track("Action Name");

Here is an example of how to fire an action when a user clicks a button:

Track Button Click

const handleClick = () => {
  formbricks.track("Button Clicked");

return <button onClick={handleClick}>Click Me</button>;

This documentation frames actions around user interactions, emphasizing the connection between the user's activities and the survey experience. By leveraging user-centric actions, you can create highly targeted and timely surveys that resonate with users and yield valuable insights.

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