Formbricks provides two APIs: the Public Client API for frontend survey interactions and the Management API for backend management tasks.
Formbricks offers two types of APIs: the Public Client API and the Management API. Each API serves a different purpose, has different authentication requirements, and provides access to different data and settings.
Public Client API
The Public Client API is used by our SDKs and doesn’t require authentication, making it ideal for client-side interactions without exposing sensitive data.
We currently have the following Client API methods exposed and below is their documentation attached in Postman:
Displays APIÂ - Mark a survey as displayed or link a display to a response for a person.
Contacts APIÂ - Update contact attributes.
Responses APIÂ - Create & Update a Response for a Survey.
Management API
The Management API gives full access to all data and settings available in your Formbricks account. It requires a personal API Key for authentication, which you can generate and manage in the Settings section of the Formbricks app.
We currently have the following Management API methods exposed and below is their documentation attached in Postman:
Action Class API - Create, List, and Delete Action Classes
Attribute Class API - Create, List, and Delete Attribute Classes
Me API - Retrieve Account Information
People API - List and Delete People
Response API - List, List by Survey, Update, and Delete Responses
Survey API - List, Create, Update, generate multiple suId, and Delete Surveys
Webhook API - List, Create, and Delete Webhooks
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